Horse or cow Prior to taking retirement and selling off h...

Horse or cow Prior to taking retirement and selling off his land, a farmer needed to get rid of all the animals he owned, so he decided to call on every hous...

INEP - Inglês - 2015 - Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio - Primeiro e Segundo Dia - PPL

Horse or cow

Prior to taking retirement and selling off his land, a farmer needed to get rid of all the animals he owned, so he decided to call on every house in his village. At houses where the man was the boss, he gave a horse; at houses where the woman was the boss, he gave a dairy cow.

Approaching one cottage, he saw a couple gardening and called out, ‘Who’s the boss around here?’

‘I am,’ said the man.

The farmer said: ‘I have a black horse and a brown horse. Which one would you like?’

The man thought for a minute and said, ‘The black one.’

‘No, no, get the brown one,’ said his wife.

The farmer said, ‘Here’s your cow.’

TIBBALLS, G. The book of senior jokes. Great Britain: Michael O’Mara, 2009 (adaptado)

O texto relata o caso de um fazendeiro prestes a se aposentar e vender sua fazenda. O aspecto cômico desse texto provém da

A) constatação pelo fazendeiro da razão de sua aposentadoria.
B) opinião dos vizinhos referente à forma de se livrar dos animais.
C) percepção do fazendeiro quanto à relação de poder entre o casal.
D) agressividade da esposa relacionada a um questionamento inocente.
E) indecisão dos cônjuges quanto à melhor escolha a ser feita no momento.



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