GOAL GOAL has worked to improve access to food for highly v...

GOAL GOAL has worked to improve access to food for highly vulnerable and food-insecure households in many districts of Zimbabwe. We identify such households, s...

INEP - Inglês - 2021 - Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio - Primeiro Dia e Segundo Dia - Digital


GOAL has worked to improve access to food for highly vulnerable and food-insecure households in many districts of Zimbabwe. We identify such households, supply them with monthly food rations, and conduct monthly post-distribution monitoring. GOAL works in the same districts, to improve access to food for the most vulnerable primary school children during the peak hungry months. The emphasis is on orphans and vulnerable children. GOAL provides short-term food security support to other vulnerable households by increasing the availability of grain, and by helping enhance their ability to meet basic needs.

Disponível em: www.goal.ie. Acesso em: 5 dez. 2012 (adaptado).

Tendo como público-alvo crianças órfãs e em situações de vulnerabilidade, a organização não governamental GOAL tem atuado no Zimbábue para

A) incentivar a agricultura orgânica.

B) intermediar processos de adoção.

C) contribuir para a redução da fome.

D) melhorar as condições de habitação.

E) qualificar professores da escola básica.



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